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Frequently asked questions
Delivery prices
We offer free delivery within Denmark for orders over 599 kr (€80).
Shipping rates vary by weight and country. Before placing an order, please check the shipping rates for the location you would like your order shipped to.
You can calculate the estimate shipping costs for your order prior to checkout by using the shipping rates calculator on the cart page. Simply enter the shipping location into the shipping calculator and get instant prices.
Delivery times
We strive for parcels to be delivered as quickly and efficiently as possible. Most orders are processed and dispatched within 1-3 business days of the order being placed. Orders generally take 2-7 working days for delivery.
For made-to-order or products not in regular stock please expect a delivery time of 7-10 days. This information will be available on the product page.
When your parcel has been shipped you will receive an order confirmation and receipt via email and sms.
Please see more information, including estimated delivery time and costs by location, in our Shipping Policy page.
We want you to be 100% happy with your Greenbark purchase every time and if you aren’t we are here to help.
If you want to return an item, please follow these 4 golden rules:
- Please carefully read our Return Policy.
- You have the right to return or exchange your order within 14 days from the day on which the goods were delivered to you.
- Do not return the package without giving prior notice via email.
- To return an item, simply email us at, tell us your order number and the reason for your return. Our customer service will guide you through the quick process. For more information visit our Return Policy page.
Please also bear in mind that shipping goods back and forth generates greenhouse gases that are accelerating climate change. We encourage you to choose your items carefully to avoid unnecessary return shipments. We are always here to help with any questions you may have.
If you have previously created a Greenbark account and want to change the shipping address for future orders, you can easily do so:
- Log in to My Account
- Navigate to Addresses in the dashboard and click the ‘Edit’ button to the right of the Shipping Address.
To change your shipping address after placing your order, first, you need to ensure your item[s] have not been shipped already. To do so:
- Log in to My Account
- Navigate to the orders page via the dashboard
Next to your order there is a status statement indicating either “Processing” or “Shipped.”
If your order status is ‘On hold’ or ‘Processing’ we will be able to change the shipping address for you. Please contact us as soon as possible with your new details.
Orders are processed very quickly, so to avoid your order being shipped prior to your cancellation, please call us directly, as we may not see your email or text message in time.
You can call us direct on +45 5013 6809 using your favourite phone app (phone, WhatsApp or Messenger)
If your order status is ‘Shipped’ we cannot change the package’s destination. However, you could try to contact the shipping service to possibly arrange a re-route on the order. We will do our best to assist you but cannot guarantee that changes can be made.
You can find the tracking link from your Order Confirmation & Receipt, which is sent to your email as soon as your order has been shipped. You will also receive your parcel’s tracking details by sms.
Kindly note, that the tracking is only visible once your parcel has arrived to the first sorting station in Denmark, and has been scanned there.
You can also track your order via our ‘Track Your Order‘ page.
If the item is marked as temporarily out of stock you can click on “Get notified” and you will receive an email as soon as the item is back in stock again.
If this method isn’t available it means the item will most likely not be restocked in the nearest future. It can happen, however, that an item gets returned to us. We do recommend that you keep an eye on the website and if possible mark the item as a favourite.
You can complain about product defects within 24 months from the delivery date by contacting our Customer Care at You must notify us of the defect within a reasonable period of time and no later than two months after you have discovered the defect.
In order for us to quickly assess the defect we recommend you to report the claim following the steps below, so we can help you:
- Provide your order number and attach a copy of your receipt.
- Describe the defect as detailed as possible and how it appeared (the cause).
- Take a couple of pictures clearly showing the item in its entirety (front and back) and the defect itself.
- Send this to our email: [mail_info] or use the form on our Contact Us page.
Remember that the product must always be sent in proper packaging and that a post office receipt is required. Please keep the post office receipt, including information about freight charges and track and trace number.
When we have received the product, and if the complaint is approved, the product will be replaced with another product, or repaired, or the purchase price will be refunded to your account. We always reserve the right to remedy the defect.
- Denmark ***Please note we do not send to Greenland or Faroe Islands.
- Sweden ***Please note we do not send to Åland.
- Germany
- The Netherlands
- Austria
- France
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