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Rikke Hammer
Greenbark (Enkeltmandsvirksomhed)
Vest Hemvej 13
DK – 9550 Mariager

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EU’s Tvistbilæggelse
Europa-Kommissionen tilbyder en platform til online tvistbilæggelse (OS):
Ved klager kontakt

Forbrugertvistbilæggelse/Universelt Voldgiftsnævn
Vi er ikke villige eller forpligtede til at deltage i tvistbilæggelsesprocedurer ved et forbrugervoldgiftsnævn.

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Indholdet på vores sider er udarbejdet med største omhu. Vi kan dog ikke garantere, at indholdet er korrekt, fuldstændigt og aktuelt. Som tjenesteudbyder er vi iht. § 7, stk. 1 af den tyske telemedielov (TMG) ansvarlige for eget indhold på disse sider iht. den almindelige lovgivning. Iht. §§ 8 til 10 af TMG har vi som tjenesteudbyder dog ikke pligt til at overvåge fremsendte eller lagrede eksterne oplysninger eller undersøge forhold eller omstændigheder, der tyder på ulovlig virksomhed. Forpligtelser til at fjerne eller spærre brugen af oplysninger iht. den almindelige lovgivning påvirkes ikke heraf. En sådan hæftelse er dog først mulig fra det tidspunkt, hvor vi får kendskab til et konkret lovbrud. Skulle vi få kendskab til sådanne lovbrud, vil vi øjeblikkeligt fjerne det pågældende indhold. Vores virksomhed overholder også gældende dansk lovgivning ved salg og levering af varer og tjenesteydelser.

Hæftelse for links
Vores tilbud indeholder links til tredjeparters eksterne websider, hvis indhold vi ikke har indflydelse på. Derfor kan vi heller ikke give nogen garanti for dette eksterne indhold. Ansvaret for indholdet på de sider, der er tilknyttet via links, påhviler altid den enkelte udbyder eller ejer af siderne. De sider, der er tilknyttet via links, blev kontrolleret for mulige lovbrud på det tidspunkt, hvor linkene blev oprettet. Der blev ikke fundet lovstridigt indhold på tidspunktet for linkenes oprettelse. Det er dog ikke rimeligt at forvente en permanent indholdskontrol af de sider, der er tilknyttet via links, af os, medmindre der foreligger konkrete indikationer på et lovbrud. Får vi kendskab til lovbrud, vil vi omgående fjerne de pågældende links.

Alt indhold, som af sidernes ejere er udarbejdet til disse sider, er omfattet af den danske lov om ophavsret. Mangfoldiggørelse, redigering, distribution samt enhver form for kommerciel udnyttelse uden for ophavsrettens grænser kræver skriftligt samtykke fra den pågældende forfatter eller producent. Download og kopiering af denne side er kun tilladt til privat, ikke-kommerciel brug. For så vidt indholdet på denne side ikke er udarbejdet af ejeren, respekteres tredjeparters ophavsrettigheder. I særdeleshed markeres tredjeparters indhold som sådant. Skulle du alligevel blive opmærksom på en krænkelse af ophavsretten, beder vi dig informere os herom. Får vi kendskab til lovbrud, vil vi omgående fjerne det pågældende indhold.

Operatørerne af disse sider tager beskyttelsen af dine personoplysninger meget alvorligt. Vi behandler dine personoplysninger fortroligt og i overensstemmelse med de lovbestemte databeskyttelsesbestemmelser, vores Privatlivspolitik og denne databeskyttelseserklæring Brugen af vores hjemmeside er normalt mulig uden at give personlige data. I det omfang personoplysninger (f.eks. navn, adresse eller e-mailadresser) indsamles på vores sider, for eksempel gennem vores webshop, sker dette altid på frivillig basis så vidt muligt. Disse data vil ikke blive videregivet til tredjepart uden dit udtrykkelige samtykke.

For mere information om dine rettigheder og hvordan vi indsamler, behandler og beskytter dine persondata, bedes du læse vores Privatlivspolitik.

Vi vil gerne påpege, at dataoverførsel på internettet (f.eks. ved kommunikation via e-mail) kan have sikkerhedshuller. En fuldstændig beskyttelse af dataene mod adgang fra tredjeparter er ikke mulig. Ikke desto mindre gør vi vores yderste for at beskytte dine data. Denne hjemmeside bruger SSL-kryptering for at beskytte overførslen af følsomt indhold (såsom data, du angiver i onlineformularer). Du kan genkende en krypteret forbindelse ved, at adresselinjen i browseren ændres fra “http://” til “https://” og ved låsesymbolet i din browserlinje. Hvis SSL-kryptering er aktiveret, kan de data, du sender til os, ikke læses eller ændres af tredjeparter under transmissionen.

Beskyttelse mod Uønsket Reklame: Indsigelse mod Tredjeparters Brug af Kontaktoplysninger
Vi modsætter os hermed udtrykkeligt tredjeparters brug af kontaktoplysninger, som offentliggøres i forbindelse med det obligatoriske impressum, til fremsendelse af ikke udtrykkeligt rekvirerede reklamer og informationsmaterialer. Sidernes ejere forbeholder sig udtrykkeligt retten til retlige skridt i tilfælde af uopfordret tilsendelse af reklameinformation, f.eks. med spammails.

For omfattende oplysninger vedrørende privatliv, databeskyttelse og andre juridiske aspekter ved brugen af vores hjemmeside, besøg venligst vores særlige side, Juridisk Hjørne. Her finder du vores privatlivspolitik, cookiepolitik, salgsbetingelser, brugsbetingelser og impressum.

Opdateret d. 10/01/2024

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Best barks

The Greenbark  Team

This product contains content produced according to the Mass Balance Approach.

As a dog owner, you might be surprised to learn that the products you use to care for your furry friend could be contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. However, the mass balance approach offers a solution to mitigate the environmental impact of the chemical industry and transition towards sustainable practices.

This approach involves mixing both renewable and non-renewable feedstocks in the chemical production process while ensuring that the amount of sustainable feedstocks used is certified.

While the mass balance approach allows companies to continue using non-renewable feedstocks at a reduced rate, proponents argue that it provides a more realistic and achievable pathway towards sustainability.

Despite some criticisms, the mass balance approach offers a practical and scalable tool for promoting sustainability in the chemical industry and represents a significant step towards a more sustainable future.


If you’re interested in learning more about this approach, here are some  links to helpful resources :

The Genuine Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium promotes sustainable and ethical leather production practices in the Tuscany region using traditional vegetable tanning methods that ensure no animals are killed for their skins.

Highlights of Tuscan Vegetable Tanned Leather

  • Made with natural extracts from chestnut, mimosa, and quebracho trees.
  • Produced in Tuscany, Italy, where the art of vegetable tanning has been practiced for centuries.
  • The production process adheres to strict European standards for environmental and social responsibility, ensuring minimal impact on the planet and the communities involved.
  • Products made with Tuscan Vegetable-Tanned Leather are free from harmful chemicals and meet high standards for animal welfare.
  • The leather is durable, with a unique character that develops over time as it ages gracefully.
  • The use of Tuscan Vegetable-Tanned Leather supports the local circular economy, preserving a tradition that is deeply rooted in the Tuscan territory.


For more information on the Consortium’s commitment to sustainable and ethical leather production practices, please visit their website at

Alternatively, you can refer to our brief overview of their initiatives by clicking here.

This product contains leather trademarked by The Genuine Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium.

The Genuine Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium promotes sustainable and ethical leather production practices in the Tuscany region using traditional vegetable tanning methods that ensure no animals are killed for their skins.

Certification Standards

The Consortium’s certification standards are designed to ensure that products are made using traditional vegetable tanning methods and meet social, environmental, economic, and cultural criteria that prioritize fair labor practices, environmental sustainability, local economic support and the preservation and continuation of traditional techniques and craftsmanship that has been passed down for generations.

By adhering to these principles, the Consortium ensures that its member organizations produce high-quality leather goods that are both culturally and environmentally sustainable.

Transparency and Traceability

Through this certification process, the Consortium also aims to create greater transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain, giving consumers the ability to make informed decisions about the products they purchase.

The Consortium’s guarantee label, “Pelle Conciata al Vegetale in Toscana,” is an anti-counterfeiting label with a unique serial number that allows consumers to verify the authenticity of their products, while also providing information about the materials and production processes used.

Sustainability and Responsibility

By prioritizing sustainability and transparency, the Consortium hopes to create a more sustainable and responsible leather industry that values both people and the environment.


For more information on the Consortium’s commitment to sustainable and ethical leather production practices, please visit their website at

What is silicone made of?

Food grade silicone is a type of silicone that is safe for use in food preparation, storage, and cooking. It is made from a combination of silicon, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. The raw materials for food grade silicone are obtained primarily from silica, which is a naturally occurring mineral.

Where is silicone manufactured?

Food grade silicone is manufactured in a variety of locations around the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. The production process involves mixing the raw materials together and then curing them under heat and pressure.

How sustainable is silicone?

The sustainability of food grade silicone production depends on a number of factors, including the source of the raw materials and the energy used in the manufacturing process. In general, food grade silicone production is considered to be relatively sustainable when compared to other materials, such as plastic. The main issues with silicone is that it’s not curbside recyclable; its production process uses fossil fuels and requires a large amount of energy; and it doesn’t biodegrade. 

Is silicone more sustainable than plastic?

Silicone is often considered to be a more sustainable alternative to plastic, as it is durable and long-lasting and while not perfect, the silicone production process does cut down on fossil fuel usage compared to plastic. Additionally, unlike plastic, silicone does not create microplastics or release harmful chemicals when it is heated or exposed to sunlight and other environmental forces.

Silicone sustainability claims

To claim sustainability, a silicone product must be certified by an independent organization that verifies the product has met certain sustainability standards. These standards may include the use of renewable energy, the sourcing of raw materials, and the product’s recyclability and biodegradability.

Is silicone biodegradable?

Silicone is not biodegradable, meaning it does not break down naturally in the environment and can create additional waste if not managed properly. 

Can silicone be recycled after use?

If you want to recycle silicone at home, you can do so by taking it to a recycling center or by sending it to a company that specializes in recycling silicone. It is also possible to recycle silicone by using it as a feedstock for energy production. Alternatively, you can try to upcycle your silicone product by giving it a new purpose, like using a silicone dog bowl as a flower or plant pot.

So is silicone actually sustainable?

In summary, food grade silicone is a safe, sustainable material that is made from natural resources, and it can be recycled and repurposed. It is a better alternative to plastic in terms of its durability, chemical emissions, and energy consumption. To ensure that a silicone product is sustainable, it should be certified by an independent organization. In addition, due to the non-biodegradability of silicone, minimal environmental impact from its use requires that careful management and responsible recycling should always be practiced.